CPEC and its dimensions
CPEC was an enthusiastic bilateral investment treaty between Pakistan and China. Nevertheless, it has become an incomprehensible ethos. It has academic, practical, political and communal aspects. It seems to be an economic investment though it has more political milestones than economic.
Ostensibly, it is merely an economic investment for China; nonetheless, they are endeavouring to enrich their destitute area. It will not only remove indigence from the deprived area but also close the window of insurgence. Apart from economic opulence the sentiments of being deprived will be eradicated from the people and convert the traitors into patriots. It will undo stagnant situation of the area and start the process of revolution. The acumen of Chine’s government behind this gigantic investment is crystal clear that they are eager to share their fortune with entire of the country.
Although all these aspects are sufficient to evince the judicious approach of their government having said that its economic knacks are inconceivable too. It will elevate the entire economy of the country by reducing the commuting cost of imports and exports. Eventually, this hefty investment will embark penniless people of the west part of Chine to prosperity. Internationally, it will engulf the economy of many countries and surge Chine’s influence in the world. It will be justified to say that the economies of the countries around this project will be influenced heavily. China’s impact will escalate in the world, vigorously in this reign. Thus, it is defensible to say that the insight behind the expansion of this development is more than mere financial.
On the other hand, unfortunately, the government of Pakistan is unable to comprehend with the insight of this venture. It is more gruesome for the rivals of Pakistan than nuclear weapons; hence, they are spending insomniac nights to sabotage it. It is contemplating that we have wasted numerous opportunities to make this dream come true we still have time to go for it. Unlike our partner of this project regrettably, our priorities are undefined or nebulous. It is an undeniable fact that the insurgency which we are facing has more internal causes than external. The dwellers of Pakistan are brutally attacked by communal and foreign funded insurgents and we have to accept all insurgents have logistic support from Pakistan. If we will not close our eyes from the world’s bank report of 2016 with an argument that they desire CPEC to collapse thus, they are writing this we will realise that we are about to abandon this opportunity. China is working on this project mainly to embark only 6% of its population which resides in the west part of it. It is a great opportunity to share prosperity with the deprived areas of Pakistan and rekindle the sentiments of loyalty among those people who are fighting against the state. Today, it might be a deniable fact that there is no discrimination in the distribution of state assets nonetheless, if the government will continue with its policy of nepotism for the Punjab province it will end up with an irreparable damage.
The most of the hide outs of insurgents are in non-developed areas of Pakistan and most of them are uneducated. Pakistan also needs to see beyond the mere economic aspect of CPEC and invest the maximum amount in deprived areas. It will shut the window of insurgence and revive patriotism among those who are angry with us. If Pakistani government will comprehend with the idea of Chine’s government and destroy the walls of sectarianism and nepotism than the fruits of this project will be unimaginable. Pakistan will become the centre of gravity of this economic project. Initially, it was a bilateral treaty between Pakistan and China however; it is the time to play our cards shrewdly and embark Tehran and Riyadh to this project at the same time and unfold all international milestones of this project. This CPEC is going to make a new world order and Pakistan is so far inseparable from it. Prosperity is knocking the doors of Pakistan with volumes and has only one condition to fulfil which is unity and share of the benefits with all the habitants of the state. This project can turn the fate of Pakistan but we should bear in mind that nobody will come and do it for us “Man has to right his own destiny”.
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